The Changing Landscape of How Consumers Shop

We have had clients say “We’ve been doing it like this for years and its working great!”. Our team used to say ‘Awesome!’ and move on but we have since realized that is only performing our clients a disservice.

If you want an easy to visualize case study, take a look at the Automotive industry. Consumers have changed how they purchase vehicles which is why companies like Scion and Carmax have built business models around this new era of consumerism with things like their No Haggle Pricing.

Marketing is another area that leaders in the Automotive world are adjusting. The ones that have adjusted are growing and taking more market share from the competition while quite a few others are still advertising how they were 5 or even 10 years ago.

Sure, everybody has a website and most dealerships have their inventory online now, but I’m talking about the bigger picture and making sure that marketing matches with how consumers engage with a brand.

Me: “Where do you think that your customers go to do their car shopping, or to learn about what vehicle may fit their needs?”

Dealership: “Mostly online”

Me: “How much of your advertising budget is focused on cultivating these online shoppers, vs what you’re spending on traditional media?”

Dealership: “Probably 80% traditional with about 15% direct and maybe 5% digital”

Me: “Does it make sense to have 5% of your advertising spend be in the space that most of your customers are doing their research and decision making?”

This is one of those Homer Simpson “DOH” moments. It just takes a bit of a reminder to realize that any business needs to adjust their marketing model as their consumers adjust.

I do not know a single person that has gone to a newspaper and tried to see what deals I can find on a new vehicle. That’s what the internet is for!

Maybe I’ve been thinking about getting a new vehicle for a month and I hear a radio ad or see a tv spot. That would probably still be impactful for me when deciding where to purchase a vehicle. But I am still going to look into their website and the websites of any other dealership I think might have what I need.

I am part of a trend that has been growing for years. Consumers are shopping for vehicles online. So why are most dealerships still focusing their advertising spend on things that have worked in the past?

While TrueMail Marketing focuses on digital and direct marketing, by no means am I suggesting that a brand drop EVERYTHING they are doing for advertising and switch to 100% digital. It is important to maintain a mix of mediums. However, that mix should reflect where potential customers are spending their time.

At TrueMail Marketing, we understand the changing landscape of consumer engagement and focus on helping our clients navigate to a maximized ROI and market share. Is your marketing plan out of date? Give the experts at TrueMail Marketing a call at 402-991-5517 and let us talk with you about how we can help build your marketing plan around the things you already know about your best customers now!

Tony Robbins Quote

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